OET is the Occupational English Test. It is an English language proficiency test for the healthcare workers across 12 different professions such as Nurses, Doctors, Physiotherapist, Dentists. etc.

The test covers four skills - Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

The Listening and Reading sections are common across all 12 professions. However the Writing and Speaking sections are specific to each profession.

The Speaking section of the OET involves two role plays. The role play is specific to the profession of the candidate. The person facilitating the role play is called the interlocutor who plays the part of a patient or a family member of the patient. The interlocutor doesn't do the assessment and give marks. The role plays are recorded and evaluated by graders who assign marks based on the assessment criteria implemented by the OET. It is therefore important the candidate is audible and doesn't speak softly. 

OET Official - Sample Video - Speaking Section - Role Play - Medicine

The Writing section is also specific to each of the twelve healthcare professions that OET assesses. The types of letter include letter of referral or transfer, and is addressed to another healthcare professional at another facility. The candidate must write the letter using the case notes that are provided. Candidates are assessed over six different criteria which include Content, Organization, Language etc. 

Among the English speaking countries, OET is accepted as a proof of English language proficiency in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Singapore, and the United States of America

OET Training at Syscoms

Syscoms offers a comprehensive preparation for the Occupational English Test or OET. Our batch sizes are small and our trainers are committed towards ensuring that the sessions are highly productive, and each student gets excellent coaching in each of the four skills tested in the OET - Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. 

Many of our students successfully scored B or above on the OET exam and are now working in the UK, Ireland, Canada, and Australia as nurses, doctors, or physiotherapists. 

What's a passing Score on the OET?

A score of at least B in every section is required for doctors. For nursing professionals and others, it's at least a B in Listening, Reading and Speaking, and a C+ in Writing. However, the minimum score requirements keep changing from time to time. 

Course Duration: 32 hours

Flexible Timings: Morning/Afternoon/Evening

Medium of Instruction: Online or Face to face

Study Materials: Quality study materials will be provided

Tests and Drills: Plenty of practice tests and drills including mock speaking role plays are conducted during the course.

Computer Based or Paper Based OET?

Currently OET Offers Computer Based test only for Medicine and Nursing. 

Paper Based test is available for all 12 healthcare professions including Medicine and Nursing. 

Since OET continuously updates its testing, please check the OET official website for the latest update. You can check the test dates and book the test using the OET official website. 

Official Website of OET https://oet.com/